Ask Our Experts...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ask Our Experts. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Can Back Pain Be the Result of a Lack of Water?
Back pain can be caused by made factors, but the pain may be made worse by something as simple as not drinking enough....
Can Exercise Help Mild Disk Bulge?
Bulging discs often need no further treatment than some pain killers and some physio or exercise but is this an option for those about to undergo spinal surgery?...
Is an Epidural Safe for a Kidney Transplant Patient?
An epidural is a procedure that is carried out to relieve pain felt in the lower body and is often used for those suffering from chronic back pain....
Is This Pain Due to Use of a TENS Machine?
TENS machines are often very good at relieving pain, but some users are confused at how long they should be left on for....
Would a Chiropractor Help a Frozen Shoulder?
A 'frozen shoulder' is a term given to a painful less mobile shoulder joint that has arisen as a result of inflammation of the tissues. It can be very painful and get…...
Would Another Pregnancy Worsen my Backpain?
Back pain can occur in even the healthiest pregnancy and can occur for a number of reasons. Sometimes this pain ceases after birth but for others the pain can remain…...