Complementary Treatments...
Below are our articles on the subject of Complementary Treatments. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Do Spiritual Healers Help Ease Back Pain?
Spiritual healing is baffling scientists as the results shown by those receiving the healing are very positive with many finding their pain is significantly decreased....

Spinal Manipulation and Back Pain
When pain killers do not seem to be effective or you are reluctant to take them, other forms of treatment for back pain may be an option and this can include spinal…...

Tai Chi for Back Pain Relief.
Tai Chi has been practised in China for many years and now it is growing in popularity in the western world too due to the potential benefits for health....

The Benefits and Principles of the Alexander Technique
The Alexander technique is a practice that aims to help individuals understand how the body, mind and spiritual being are all connected and how to use these forces…...

The Use of Magnets as a Therapy for Back Pain.
Although evidence has failed to show any positive results regarding the use of magnetic therapy, people continue to try it for themselves as sales of the product…...

What is Applied Kinesiology?
Applied kinesiology is an alternative therapy aimed at helping achieve a diagnosis for back pain....