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Using Hypnotherapy For Pain Relief

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 19 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapist Pain Relief

Hypnotherapy is a method of treating a variety of both physical and psychological conditions by using the power of the mind to overcome challenges and behaviours.

It is often performed by a trained hypnotherapist, though there are now ways of gaining self-hypnosis using DVD’s, tapes or approved techniques.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is explained as achieving a ‘heightened sense of awareness’ by the processes used by a trained hypnotherapist, who alters the state of consciousness, and then opens up the gateways in the mind to address issues and make positive changes.The person undergoing hypnotherapy will be awake during the treatment and will have a unique and individual experience.A trance-like state is achieved by being talked through tasks and techniques by the hypnotherapist until a deep state of relaxation is achieved.

Hypnotherapy for Pain

Hypnotherapy is now widely accepted as a method of pain relief ; there are stories of people under-going surgical procedures without anaesthetic using only hypnotherapy, though these are extreme occurrences.

Pain happens as messages are sent via the nervous system, to the brain which then tells us that we are feeling it, hypnotherapists work by teaching the brain how to stop interpreting these signals and telling our body to react accordingly. Its aim is to give control of the pain back to the person, instead of the pain being the controlling issue, with the hope of encouraging a more positive approach to pain management.

There are two main theories as to how hypnotherapy can aid in pain relief and altering a person’s perception of pain. It is believed, acute pain is treated by using powerful suggestions aimed at reducing pain associated anxiety and by lowering the importance of pain, to the individual. Chronic pain is tackled by addressing the pain head-on and dealing with its physical and psychological effects as they occur to offer pain relief.

It should always be remembered that pain is a symptom and is there to tell us that something is wrong. A hypnotherapist should not attempt to alleviate someone’s pain before a cause of the pain has been established and a definite diagnosis has been made by a physician. To mask pain may mean veiling a potentially lethal condition that needs conventional treatment.Using hypnotherapy in combination with others methods of pain relief can mean that the need for chemical drugs is reduced, this is particularly useful with the occurrence of chronic pain where long-term drugs may be required.

Hypnotherapy is also particularly useful in helping those who have phobias about swallowing tablets or are frightened of needles, as they may sometimes not treat their back pain due to their anxieties.

Hypnotherapy has always been proved extremely useful in the treatment of post-operative pain and for those suffering with palliative (terminal) pain. Better results have been achieved when hypnotherapy is started near to the onset of pain, before it develops into chronic pain.

How Much Does Hypnotherapy Cost?

The prices charged by a hypnotherapist vary greatly; a lot of this depends on their reputation and success rate. Costs can typically be between £30 and £60 for a session, and sessions can be from 45 minutes to over an hour. Hypnotherapy patients may need only one session or a series of sessions to gain the maximum benefit.

The treatment may be provided at the hypnotherapist’s office/treatment room, or in the patients own home.It is most important to choose your therapist carefully as potentially anyone can set-up as a hypnotherapist and charge full prices knowing there will be no success. Always check your hypnotherapist’s certification and memberships of professional organisations. It may be worth telephoning the organisation and checking that membership exists.

There are a wide variety of self-hypnosis treatment packages available either in the high-street shops or on the internet. The success rate with back pain is very dependant on the user’s compliance and ability to follow instruction.

Hypnotherapy is not guaranteed to be of benefit to everyone, but it may be worth trying in order to gain some personal control over your back pain, lowering the need for other medications.

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